Evaluation of Interactions between the Real and Financial Sectors of Iran’s Economy: A DSGE Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University


It has been discussed that the expansion of the financial sector has complicated the management of macroeconomic policies so that the analysis and the management of business cycles would not be sufficient without considering the interactions of the financial and real sectors, mainly due to the effects of financial stances on the transmission mechanisms of the economic policies. In order to evaluate the linkages between business and financial cycles in Iran’s economy, we built a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model within the new Keynesians framework which incorporates banking system, and in particular the distinguished characteristics of Iranian banking system such as high rate of NPLs and considerable share of fixed assets in its balance sheet are taken into account. By calibrating the parameters, the simulated moments of the model fits that of real data of Iran’s economy during 1369-1393 (AH). We find that the technological shocks effect the financial cycles. Moreover, the balance sheet of banks has a major role in explaining the macroeconomic fluctuations. In this regard the effects of frozen banking assets on the economic cycles are greater than those of NPLs. Therefore, it is highly suggested that the central bank puts a higher priority to decrease the fixed assets of banking system while perusing the reduction of NPLs.


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