Investigate Income-tax as an automatic stabilizer and business cycles adjustment with Wavelet spectrum analysis approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University.

2 Ph.D. candidate, Tehran University, Department Of Economics


Generally the automatic stabilizers exist in the fiscal system so as to contribute to stabilize the cyclical fluctuations of output or business cycles adjustment. This paper presents an empirical analysis of the effects of automatic fiscal stabilizers on business cyclesadjustment using the structural vector autoregressive model.
This paper investigates the relevance of income- tax as an automatic fiscal stabilizer in Iran economy by an empirical analysis of the role and impact thereof with regard to the main aspects of interaction between income- tax, oil price over the business cycles. In this study, cross-correlation coefficient analysis shows that: oil price and output cycles are considered as leading indicator compared with income- tax cycles.
The forecast error of Variance Decomposition of GDP cycles also showed that income- tax shocks have relatively small share in explanation business cycles fluctuations. This study also showed that income- tax as an automatic fiscal stabilizer have had an asymmetric behavior on business cycles adjustment in two different sample periods. 


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