Estimate of Demand Function of Housing, Using the Hedonic Price Model (1378-88) Case Study: Kerman

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member, Payame Noor University

2 PhD. Student


Due to the heterogeneous nature of housing, the Hedonic model of pricing. It deals with the estimation of the Hedonic pricing function of housing using the Panel data procedure. For this purpose, the four regions of Kerman were considered as the areas under study during 1378-1388. It can be realized from the study that in Kerman, physical factors can affect the price of the residential units more than the situational and environmental factors. On the other hand, the elasticity incomes of the demands of infrastructure area and central heating system were positive while that of the distance from downtown was found to be negative. The three above-mentioned commodities were found to be elastic since their price elasticity numbers are more than one.


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