A View to Entrepreneurship and Rearrangement of Intellectual Property Rights System

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Ph.D Student, Shahid Beheshti University


Entrepreneurship has a key role in marketization of knowledge and development process. This paper tries to explain the importance and the position of intellectual rights as a key component of entrepreneurship emergence; therefore, we analyze its position and explanation in the mainstream paradigm. The results obtained from sciences of law and economy themes reveal that the essence of orthodox economics and intellectual property rights (IPR) are in conflict with its competition principle. This paradox necessitates a deep review of foundations of IPR in mainstream economics. This paper cooperates with Islamic paradigm's achievements in dictating the entrance of collective action to bring individual actions in line. As a result, individualistic approach which has been embedded in mainstream economics would be refined. This can be practiced by clarifying regulations which enforce government interference in economy. Concentrating on goods features results in placing of innovational ideas of industrial sphere in toll goods. So public activists can cope with the paradox by direct-purchased innovative products or providing institutional structures; Therefore, their utilization by charging toll leads to grant exploiting innovations to their applicants. Eventually, while innovators are assured to get rewarded of innovating, the economy gets benefits of the spreading innovational ideas which lead to an anti-trust competition sphere.


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