Job Creation, Job Destruction and Disaggregation of Static, Dynamic and within Shift Effects of Industrial Structure on Employment Generation of Manufacturing Industries in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Allamea Tabatabai University, Faculty Member

2 Allamea Tabatabai University, Msc. Student


Using data of manufacturing Industries in Iran during 1374-88,to estimate job creation and job destruction and disaggregating static and dynamic effects and  within shift effects of industrial structure; we found that no significant structural changes on employment has taken place in Iran’s Manufacturing industries. Using dispersion analysis to study the speed and direction of structural changes ,we found that the speed of structural changes were rapid and on the normal direction up to 1382-85; however, this trend was reversed thereafter up to the period of 1386-88, indicating that there has been exodus of  labor from high productive and dynamic industries towards inefficient and declining industries after the threshold time period of 1382-85.


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