The Study of Relationship between Interest Rate and Inflation in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Economics,Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti university

2 M.A. in Economics


In the economic theory, there is a strong relationship between interest rates and inflation. During recent years, some of most prominent policies has been proposed to reduce the indicative profit rates in the banks with an intention to curb the prevailing inflation, enhance investment and finally the employment in the country.
In this research, the share of financial costs was calculated as one of the production costs for active companies in Iran's stock market. It was shown that financial costs are approximately 15-50 percent of production costs. The financial costs share in the GDP was estimated about 33-38 percent of GDP.
This paper employs Johansen-Juselius and Error-Correction Models to investigate the existence of a long-run relationship and the causality between two mentioned variables. They illustrate that the causality is from interest rate to inflation rate. Due to high proportion of financial costs in the costs of firms, interest rates can be reduced to decrease inflation.


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